
Create a user account
In your personal account on the website, you have access to your tickets, your starred articles, your subscription to the news service or your personal data at any time after registration. If you already have an account, then you can Sign in.

Personal data

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Login details

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The password must contain at least 6 characters.

Additional data

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Personal mobile *
City *
Work position *

Role of the participant *
Main Forum Section *
Изменить секцию можно будет на странице программы форума или в настройках профиля.
I will arrive at the forum on *
Participation in the tour
(Specify the name of the hotel if it is booked.)

Protection against automatic registration

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Ольга Собенникова

руководитель проекта

+7 485 532-60-38
+7 915 966-86-44
[email protected]

Елена Коровкина

ведущий специалист

+7 485 527-40-13
+7 915 995-69-99
[email protected]